Sep 13, 2023
Heather practiced reiki and new age mysticism, then saw the light and in isolated study, launched a journey into truth and peace.
00:00:33 - The UCA
00:02:53 - The Issue of Evil
00:07:27 - Introducing Heather
00:09:12 - Getting Into New Age
00:10:04 - Atheism Mixes With New Age?
00:10:49 - Reiki
00:13:28 - Misgivings With Reiki
00:14:32 - Reiki & Christianity
00:15:29 - Goal Of Studying Reiki
00:16:17 - Objects Infused
00:17:30 - Podcast!
00:20:42 - Christian Podcasts
00:21:19 - Spiritual Attacks
00:22:32 - Convicted
00:25:31 - Undoing The Denial
00:27:04 - The Moment, The Slap
00:28:02 - The Things Had To Go
00:30:19 - Something Really Happening?
00:33:13 - Bad Things, Attacks, Fear
00:35:41 - Spirit Guides
00:38:51 - Bad Spirit Guides?
00:41:26 - Pagan Cultures
00:42:25 - Life On This Side Of Rebirth
00:43:40 - Looking Into Belief Systems
00:44:36 - Whole Truth
00:45:47 - Restitutio Podcast Binge
00:46:58 - Were You Trinitarian?
00:48:17 - Researching Alone
00:52:39 - What's Next
00:53:31 - Questionable Christian Activities
00:56:25 - Hasbro Game?
00:57:55 - New Age Christians
00:58:54 - A Lot To Process
00:59:24 - The Future
01:00:54 - UCA Papers, Workshops, Kids
01:03:04 - Giving Options
01:03:27 - Reflections on the Episode
01:04:34 - Smidgeon of Uncertainty
01:05:58 - Engrossed To Our Detriment
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